Thursday, November 29, 2007

Danger Danger!! High Voltage!

In case any of you were thinking about selling your books or .. anything I suppose on Amazon here is a little nugget of information that could save your sanity.

Some banks do not check to see whether YOUR name matches the name attached to the checking account number you have listed as your place of deposit.

So if your bank does this and you accidentally enter a checking account number that perhaps isn't yours but happens to be someone else's, guess who's getting your hard earned $$? Not you that's who.

I found this out today when after not receiving two separate deposits from Amazon I begun to get worried and called their customer service number (that I wasn't able to find on their site--but that's another story). They read me off the last few digits of the checking account number they had listed and guess what... it didn't match mine on my banks website! And it wasn't just one number off, it was completely off which I thought was strange since last time when I was at home I had doubled checked the last few digits with my checkbook and it had matched.

At this point I realized one of two things had happened.

Best case scenario: I had somehow managed to use Kyle's check book instead of my own

Worst case scenario: Somehow either myself or amazon switched the checking account number in some either stupidity or clerical error.

I honestly believed that the best case wasn't going to happen because these deposits had been missing for about a month and Kyle knew about it. I figured if he had noticed some random $100+ deposits in his account he would have said something to me knowing that I was worried about it and all.

So I frantically contacted Kyle and asked him if he had noticed any deposits. He went online and checked his account and guess what... there they were! Hal-A-Lu-Yer! So luckily it all worked out for me and all I have to do if I ever sell stuff on amazon again is change the checking account number to the REAL number.

The only way this could have happened I surmise is that the check book I looked at initially to get the information was a started check book aka doesn't have your name printed on it and I assumed since it was on MY desk it was mine.

So lessons to be learned: don't forget to double check the name on if there is one .. or just don't ever use started check books! They are evil!
I frantically contacted Kyle and had him

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