Monday, November 26, 2007


For those of you who aren't blessed [cursed] enough.. to have ever experienced living in a MDU or multi dwelling unit you have missed out on some great games.

What games?

1. Who is cooking? (and what exactly are they cooking and did they kill it in their apartment?)
2. Who is the mystery smoker who lives in my kitchen when I am gone?
3. Sing the commercial that the person next door is listening to.
4. Why is the person above me bouncing what sounds like golf balls at 12am? And if not golf balls, what are they?
5. Can my neighbor hear me when I'm in the bathroom?
6. Who started a fire alarm-grade smoke in their toaster oven?
7. Guess the reason why every person who works in my building hates their job/life
8. Name that smell (closely associated to game #1 and #2)
9. What is causing that noise/Guess the reasons other people cannot hear it
10. And finally... Guess which elevator (is out, going to arrive, has people in it, is defaced)

What are your favorite MDU games? Let me know in comments!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

You forgot these gems:
1) Can I make it down the hall and to the mail chute while still in my boxers without anyone seeing me?
2) Am I really obligated to say hi every time I pass my neighbors in the hall? I mean, I see them several times a day sometimes.