Friday, December 7, 2007

Grumpy Old Men

As I was walking to school a few minutes ago I was at the finish line (crossing the street to actually be on campus) when I noticed an old man driving across the crosswalk while people were crossing (with the flashing white man telling us we had 30 second left).

He was traveling through the crosswalk a little too aggressively for my liking so I was very tentative when I was crossing near him. As I was watching him when I was walking to make sure he didn't run me down, he started flailing his arms at me and yelling something. I was blown away. I did a double take and he started making even more nasty gestures at me.

Despite my usual rule that I am always nice to old people I yelled at him that "we had the crosswalk" and I pointed to the little white man telling me how much time I had left to cross.

I realized in that moment that old people don't necessarily mean sweet old people. I guess I have been spoiled by the old people in my life into thinking that you got nice when you got older.


Ally Tong said...

While I whole heartedly dislike it when people make stereo-types about certain people I'll indulge myself this once and say that old people are set in their ways. Whether it means the rules of the road or wanting to be nice about the youth of today. I can say that both types of people are in my life. For example my great aunts buy my all sorts of gadgets and make me sandwiches while I watch tv while my grandma calls me "stinky" and yells at me for wearing converse, "a boy's shoe".

tpeterson said...

You know, Ally is totally right. Old people are set in their ways. He was probably late to a canasta game or had to get to get to the senior center for the early-bird special. You know, sodium-free bacon and a free chest X-ray. ;-)

jeanie said...

As a person who is approaching oldism I feel compelled to tell you young uns that it's okay to yell at old people, they like it and yes, they even welcome it. It gives their lives purpose when in fact their lives are almost over. They live to drive crazy and drive you crazy. They always rush since they could die at any moment. At the check out line they will count your items to make sure you won't get away with anything and then get in your space to let you know they are waiting with little time left. I really love the old people in my life, they are nothing like this, but the rest of them are just grumpy old people!

Map Finder said...

Ain't this the truth.