Monday, December 10, 2007

Global Warming Hard at Work

Right now I feel extremely uncomfortable. Why? 1) It's Dec. 10th and I have to wear a tank top because it's so warm and 2) There is an unprecedented number of beetles in our apartment.

As I've mentioned before beetles only come out.. or in I suppose, when it's warm out. So since it was 50 or so degrees in December they have decided to relax in my abode.

There are two in the kitchen and one in the living room on the wall about 5 feet from me. And yes, that's too close.

This beetle situation makes me think... how many other beetles are there in other apartments. And how many beetles are in my apartment and I just haven't noticed them yet.


tpeterson said...

But what you really have to think about though is: how many other beetles are there in the world wishing they could slum it in your abode?

Kyle said...

But what will really fry your noodle is "if you weren't in your apartment, would the beetles still be there?" No, but seriously, you should probably not try to answer your own question at the end there or you might freak out. Best to let sleeping dogs lie.

jeanie said...

When I lived in a DC apartment I wish we had beetles! I would have traded you 1,000 beetles for a cockroach. Beetles are not as creepy, nor as fast. Why would a supreme being play such a nasty trick on humanity by creating such a disgusting bug, giving them incredible speed and having the huge ones fly!!!!! I'll take beetles any day.