I just read this article about a 5th grade boy who, in an effort to "show his patriotism" at school made a shirt that reads "Obama - A Terrorists Best Friend". This kid got suspended from school, the reason being that when he was asked to change his shirt or get suspended he chose to get suspended.
At first I thought, even though I don't agree AT ALL with his "opinion" (cough, fathers opinion) if he wants to wear the shirt, hell, let him. But if you take a close look at his fine, handcrafted painting. The red color paint he used makes it almost look like blood, making the scribbled handwriting that much more creepy.
His father says he's planning on sueing the school district. That alone angers me. The kid was obviously looking for trouble wanted to "stir things up". The students were ASKED to wear something patriotic (aka RED, WHITE, and BLUE) and this child went out of his way to make something that was a) offensive b) creepy as hell.
Counter-sue the father for encouraging his son to disrupt the schools operations and libel for calling the school full of "liberal loons".
Then take him in the back and get rid of him?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Something about taking the median intelligence of the country and crying.
Any person who calls themselves a democrat and then does this was never a true democrat to begin with.
It doesn't surprise me that the article mentions some middle-aged (probably white) woman. I would be willing to bet that the majority of people that fall into that demographic are faking it (being liberal/a democrat) anyway. All so their neighbors don't think they are racist.
It seems impossible to me that a true democrat or liberal could set aside their beliefs for another 4 years just to have some old person in office (who doesn't even use a computer) just because they have been kissing ass for the last 30-50 years of their life.
The best thing we could do for our country is to get someone in who hasn't been through the system, been watered down, dumbed down. For fundamental change to happen we have to change the way bureaucracy works in this country in general. We need someone who is willing to get against the grain.
What kind of uber Hillary supporter would go against her goals for the country and vote for McCain, or any republican for that matter? A fake one perhaps?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lately I've been hearing a lot more about individuals growing their own veg. I've been wanting to grow my own fruits and vegetables for a long time now but have been limited by a small balcony that only gets a few hours of sun a day.
My question is: if everyone household with the space to do so grew one type of fruit/veg plant how would the excess affect our world. Meaning, when the plant produces more than the household can consume and extras get sent along to friends and neighbors. How less dependent could we or would we be on grocery stores (mass growers)?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The plague strikes the Berkshire apartment
Moving to commence in: 15 days 16 hours and some odd minutes.
Our apartment knows this and resents us deeply. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong here. After almost 3 years of living bug free (apart from my best friends, the beetles) we now have bugs, thanks to a dirty neighbor. Every light bulb is going out one by one, water stopped working for a while, then no hot water, the cable box practically explodes, tv service gets turn off and turned back on, did I mention BUGS, ugh. I swear, in the dead of the night you can hear the apartment moaning "get out!!"
Not to mention it's been quite hot outside and we have no AC.. not because it's not working though, just because the building determines when it gets to come on, and they feel it's not appropriate until the 15th of May. So even when it's 65 degrees out it's 80+ in here, so you can imagine how hot it gets when it's actually hot outside.
When we finally move you may be able to catch me actually kissing the appliances and amenities. Oh stackable washer dryer... you are my one and only true love. Just wait, I'll be a slobbering fool over you, new apartment.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Who Do I Speak To About This?
As many of you already know Kyle and I have been doing extensive apartment searching for the last 3-4 months. And I am happy to report that we have found a place, it looks great, and we can't wait to move into it.
This rant revolves around the apartment hunting process. For those of you who haven't have the joy of apartment hunting in the way that I had done, when you call an apartment complex there are two main types of people you will talk to. 1) The call center person 2) The "I actually work on the premises" person.
You ALWAYS want to talk to the 2nd type of person. Sometimes that is more difficult than you would think. This is because management wants you to call the giant warehouse stuffed with generally incompetent workers. They hire these people to take your calls and answer your questions, and in theory it's a great idea. The problem is that all these individuals are doing is reading off of the same apartment website that you, yourself can see online!
God forbid you ask a question about.. perhaps the parking situation or a specific detail about an apartment (like, do you have to pay for an accent wall or is it free). They never know, I doubt that the call center is even located in the same state as the apartment building you're inquiring about, let alone have they visited and spent some substantial time at the apartment building itself.
I find myself wondering what the point of these people are, they take down your information and say they're going to email you documents, perhaps half the time that happens. They ask if you want to schedule appointments to visit the apartment building, if you actually "schedule" something, when you show up at the building it is as if they had no idea you were coming.
These people are altogether useless. Who am I supposed to alert this to? The manager of the call center? I'm sure they don't care any more than the employees do. Do I write the president of the ridiculously HUGE management company and tell them I don't think they're employees are worth the minimum wage they are being paid? Perhaps the whole system will just crash and burn on its own.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Goals and Motivation
6 nights ago I started a new nighttime ritual. This came upon because in about a month I have a dentist appointment, most likely with DeeDee who is a very good dental hygienist. And if I don't floss... which I am embarrassed to admit that I normally don't, she gets on my case like you wouldn't believe. So for the last 6 nights I have flossed, brushed, and then mouth washed. I think the rule of mouth care is to floss first, but regardless of that, I would have to make flossing first. If I didn't, my chances of not completing my ritual would increase 10 fold. So I grudgingly floss, knowing that I must finish in order to brush my teeth, which of course I've always done. And just when my internal clock thinks I'm all finished for the night I have to reason with myself as to why I should use the mouthwash. The fact that this is a struggle for me boggles my mind, but it is. So I stand there for a moment reminding myself of the guilt I will feel if I do not do the mouthwashing step. But then half of me says, "big deal, skip it, it'll only turn your mouth blue anyway, and how healthy can that be?" So then the logical half tells me to look at the label for any color additive that may permanently stain my mouth blue, there is none, so I am forced to continue. After I get the mouthwash into my mouth I begin the next battle of keeping it in my mouth for as long as I can stand it. The way I do this is dancing. I do my mouthwash dance and shake my head to distract myself from the mouth burning. When I realize that dancing right before bed is going to wake me back up I stop and spit. And think to myself... another check on the mental calendar.
All in all, if it weren't for DeeDee I wouldn't do any of this. Sad but true.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My preference in banking...
I just checked my email and found this email from ING Direct. I have to say, I've always recommended them to anyone who's asked. Their website is user friendly, their company has a youthful feel and their customer service is awesome. As if to confirm that they are the company for me, they included the following quote in the email
Global financial markets ended 2007 with many challenges ahead. While ING DIRECT avoided the sub-prime mortgage problem, we understand that this housing crisis threatens the well-being of countless families and, in the end, it will be seen as a major failing of the mortgage industry and its regulators.
The fact that ING DIRECT was not adversely affected is a testament to our operating philosophy that, as Americans, we should only buy houses we can afford. That way we can keep them for years to come. We believe a mortgage is a contract that both parties should execute in good faith and expect to see through to its conclusion. We will not waiver from our sworn promise to provide you with great value, service and convenience.
I've seen mortgage brokers and real estate agents on television blatantly tell their customers to take out loans they can't afford for houses out of their price range. It's nice to see a company acknowledge that it's not the American dream to have a house that you can't afford just because it's bigger than the neighbors' house.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
And the award goes to...
With the Oscars coming up and all I thought it would only be right to honor the real winner this season.
He has now gotten over 40,000 views on his Buck VS. Buck video! In case you weren't part of that 40,000 here's a link to the video Any gifts or letters of congratulations will be graciously accepted.
In other Buck news, he spent most of tonight licking my head clean... or dirty if you ask me. Either way I have a glossy sheen. Here's a link to a video from a few weeks ago of the same act to the nth degree.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Attention Passengers: This Is Your Sales Rep... er, I mean Pilot Speaking
I remember the good old days. When flying meant free sandwiches, sodas, and visiting the pilot in the cockpit.
But things are different now...
We still have sodas, and sometimes we even get a full can! But we don't have food, sometimes a pretzel crumb or small cookie, but no more free sandwiches. Now you can pay upwards of $7 for a shitty plate of cold mini-muffins or small sandwich.
And instead of the pilot announcing all the landmarks you're flying past, he's trying to convince you to sign up for their credit card that gives you.. one zillion free miles!! The in-flight movie, while it still sucks now gets a nice little logo in the bottom of it from time to time. And before the movie starts and after it ends you get commercials for other trips you can take with this airline and the credit cards that will get you there and a million billion miles!! Don't have headphones? Don't worry! $5 will get your a rented pair for 3-4 hours! Woo Hoo
I can only image what flying will be like 10 years from now. Perhaps literally mugging you at gunpoint and pawning off your luggage before you arrive at your destination, all while force-feeding you advertisements on your soda, food, napkin, seat, tv screen, headphones, window, floor.... everything.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Collaboration For All!
Despite only having 3 classes this semester, I have the most group projects I've ever had in the same amount of time. At least the most long-term group projects.
I am getting nervous about one of them. This is mostly because no one had taken any initiative to get the group together or talking. So last night after having a day-mare that we were going to do terribly because of all the apathetic group members I sent out a mass e-mail and an invitation to a Google Doc.
I haven't checked the doc yet, but I will right now and fill you in as to whether these slackers look like they may change their ways.
Wow! I am impressed, 2 out of 4 of them have responded. Perhaps this won't be horrible after all.
It is always strange when someone who would've otherwise be a leader has to step up and do so. I have a strong feeling I will be that person for this group. Hopefully I'll serve them well ::salutes::.
When I wrote them all last night I said I suggest they all get on Gmail (2 of them already had been) as it would make scheduling easier. The lack of ease in getting in touch with people makes me nervous. It boggles my mind when groups or teams aren't all on the same system of communication. I want a team that will be ON the app of choice and be checking up on it frequently. Pipe dream I suppose.
Monday, January 7, 2008
From Riches to Rags
I can't say I know too much about mortgages or buying a home, but I still wonder how people get themselves into foreclosure. I understand it when the breadwinner gets sick or dies or loses their job. But what about all these people who make a decent living and just signed up for a stupid mortgage.
A month or so ago I was getting my haircut and the hairdresser said that he signed for a ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) after his daughter (the mortgage broker) told him it was a great deal and interests rates would certainly not raise for a long time.
Sure the man should've known better than to assume interests rate would stay at an all time low for 20-30 years, but his trusted kin told him otherwise, so he is now on the verge of screwed.
Surely not everyone is being told by family members to get these crazy mortgages? I wouldn't trust a mortgage broker or almost any financial adviser with my life savings, they all have a motive, if you don't think that you're foolish.
When I see excel spreadsheets full of hundreds and hundreds of foreclosures (and that's just for one area of the country) I do feel bad for some of them; some were so close to paying off their mortgage and then they miss a few payments and BOOM it's all gone. But another part of me is wondering how people can be so shortsighted.
So from my limited knowledge I leave you with some basic tips when buying a home.
-Put down the largest down payment as possible (don't end up getting mortgage insurance)
-Get a FIXED RATE loan
-Buy a home that is 20% (at least) less than what your mortgage broker tells you you can afford

Posted by
4:38 PM
Labels: finance, housing market, mortgages
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Separation of... TV and Internet
Jeff Richards, VP of Digital Content Services at Verisign wrote in his company blog last month about the blurring of the lines between TV and Internet. He was referencing another article from the Wall Street Journal pondering why consumers don't seem to be interested in products or services that allow users to watch Internet videos on their TV.
It seems to me that the main reason that this idea isn't catching on is because users are choosing to keep these two lives separate.
Internet videos are generally short, just long enough for us to be able to sit in our office chairs and view them. TV programs are traditionally longer, which is why we park our couches and beds in front of them.
Additionally, I believe that many of us think of content online as being "underground" and TV content as being "mainstream" and we definitely don't want to mix those two worlds. Like keeping your college friends separate from your work friends.
It would just feel wrong to watch youtube videos from our couch. Not to mention the quality of youtube videos is so bad you probably wouldn't want to view it from a TV. But that's quite a stretch to explain the main reasoning of consumers.
All in all, I don't pay $55+ a month to DirecTv to watch (sometimes lesser quality) content that I could watch online for free. And Americans don't want to waste that quality TV viewing time by watching UGC (User generated content).