Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Goals and Motivation

6 nights ago I started a new nighttime ritual. This came upon because in about a month I have a dentist appointment, most likely with DeeDee who is a very good dental hygienist. And if I don't floss... which I am embarrassed to admit that I normally don't, she gets on my case like you wouldn't believe. So for the last 6 nights I have flossed, brushed, and then mouth washed. I think the rule of mouth care is to floss first, but regardless of that, I would have to make flossing first. If I didn't, my chances of not completing my ritual would increase 10 fold. So I grudgingly floss, knowing that I must finish in order to brush my teeth, which of course I've always done. And just when my internal clock thinks I'm all finished for the night I have to reason with myself as to why I should use the mouthwash. The fact that this is a struggle for me boggles my mind, but it is. So I stand there for a moment reminding myself of the guilt I will feel if I do not do the mouthwashing step. But then half of me says, "big deal, skip it, it'll only turn your mouth blue anyway, and how healthy can that be?" So then the logical half tells me to look at the label for any color additive that may permanently stain my mouth blue, there is none, so I am forced to continue. After I get the mouthwash into my mouth I begin the next battle of keeping it in my mouth for as long as I can stand it. The way I do this is dancing. I do my mouthwash dance and shake my head to distract myself from the mouth burning. When I realize that dancing right before bed is going to wake me back up I stop and spit. And think to myself... another check on the mental calendar.

All in all, if it weren't for DeeDee I wouldn't do any of this. Sad but true.

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