Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Kid Nation -- Possibly the BEST Show Ever

This is completely off topic as far as this class goes, but I can't help but post about it. I just read.. or rather skimmed an article talking about how horrible the show is and how the parents signed the kids up for basically slave labor at little more than minimum wages. And I guess the show isn't gonna be aired or they're deliberating about it... something like that.

In any case, I've always loved any show/movie where a group of people get stranded on a desert isle or get sent to some olde western town and have to start from scratch ... remember The Blue Lagoon with Brooke Shields? or Swiss Family Robinson? or that PBS show whose name I cannot remember for the life of me? ..this may explain why I can play Warcraft II for hours on end. So when I first saw the first commercials for Kid Nation, I nearly wet myself -- let me get this straight, Lord of the Flies ... on Television ... can life get any better? Of course I realized pretty quickly that due to all the laws we have to "protect" children in this country there is no way this show could reach it's true potential of being incredibly entertaining. I say they do the show, they forget the laws and leave the kids there for a few years and see what happens, that'd be awesome television ... and not a bad social experiment.

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