Sunday, December 30, 2007

Just a compliment about your beard being good.

Just a catch 'em up post since I haven't written in something like two weeks. In honestly, this is mostly a post for Tim because most likely he will be the only person who reads it. So, Hi Tim!

I am sad to report that Oregon wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. There were no major meltdowns between me and the fam or Kyle or his fam and it snowed quite a bit. So not too much to complain about.

The only bit I could complain is our journey there: we get up at 445 am Super Shutter comes at 530 drives us around until about 615 then we fly 5ish hours to Seattle and then another 40 minutes to Portland. After that we get our luggage and are driven 4 hours through Oregon to Sisters. So for those of you keeping track, that's approximately 11 hours of travel time in 4 different moving devices. Oh and did I mention for that 5hr flight we had seats that don't recline due to emergency exit protocol.

The trip home was about the same just in reverse and that time we got home at 1130pm EST.

The good parts were:

-Got to see Cole and Meghan and my family
-Got to sit in a hot tub for hours while it was snowing
-Got to sled and make a snowman
-Didn't cook or clean once or spend money
-Got presents

It is nice to be home though, but I definitely miss the snow and hot tub and large house. But of course, nothing replaces being with my Bucky again.


tpeterson said...

Hey Sarah!

I'm glad to hear that you had a good time in the Beaver State. It's pretty frickin amazing that there were no meltdowns between your's and Kyle's families. Talk about dodging some major artillery shells. You know, a few years ago my parents invited Lya's family over for dinner and my dad (in his infinite [un]wisdom) mentioned to them how I wanted to sleep with Lya.

I just keep telling myself that they're paying for college and my apartment. That makes it a little more tolerable.

I have been having a pretty good time back in CA. It's good to see family and friends. I just got back from visiting some family in Loomis and New Castle (in the Sierra Nevada foothills) which was nice... although I had to foot a $120 Chili's bill... I'm not complaining... much.

Do you and Kyle have any plans for New Years?

Kyle said...

I agree Swee, the fact that nothing went really wrong while we were visiting my parents was pretty amazing. The other good thing I think you forgot to mention is you got to see my grandma's! How cool is it that my grandma knows what geocaching is?

No Tim, we don't have plans, if you got something going on we'd be down to hang out.

Sarah said...

Kyle, you're right, I should've included your grandmas.

They are indeed awesome.

Also, Tim... as Kyle said we don't have plans, when are you coming back to the district? We want to have out with you!

jeanie said...

Don't forget we had a long flight too! I'm only 5 foot nothing and those seats give enough leg room for a toddler. I also want to mention that adults traveling with screaming babies should be sent to the rear of the plane, across from the bathrooms where they belong. No one should be subjected to 5 plus hours of a screaming baby, no matter how bad a life they have lived! The visit to Oregon was outstanding, we would like to go back and sightsee. Kyle's parents are very nice, just like him. Kyle, do you want me to start teaching you to read now?